Dr Kostas Kolomvatsos is included in the top 2% -cited researchers Worldwide for the Year 2022 as announced in Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023), “October 2023 data-update for “Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators””, Elsevier Data Repository, V6, doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6.
The available database of top-cited scientists provides standardized information on citations, h-index, co-authorship adjusted hm-index, citations to papers in different authorship positions and a composite indicator (c-score). Scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields according to the standard Science-Metrix classification. This version (6) is based on the October 1, 2023 snapshot from Scopus, updated to end of citation year 2022.